9095-10110-078 Gas PermASeal
Gas PermASeal (78mm wide rolls)
An opaque, non-woven porous and gas permeable film which acts as a barrier to solid contaminants. It seals to Polypropylene and Polystyrene plates. The seal is pierceable and peelable, and not certified free from nucleases and DNA.
An opaque, non-woven porous and gas permeable film which acts as a barrier to solid contaminants. It seals to Polypropylene and Polystyrene plates. The seal is pierceable and peelable, and not certified free from nucleases and DNA.
9095-10110-078LR | Gas PermASeal | 200M x 78mm |
9095-10110-078SR | Gas PermASeal - Sterile | 200M x 78mm |
9095-10110-078TR | Gas PermASeal | 5M x 78mm |
Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS).
Short term incubation, agriculture and seed storage, insect storage, cell culture.
Store in a cool place. Avoid direct exposure to sunlight. It is recommended to use the seals within three years from date of purchase. Three years when stored at 21℃ (70℉), 50% relative humidity, out of direct sunlight, in original packaging.
Temperature range -20℃ to 80℃
Temperature and Dwell Time: 170℃, 2 seconds.
Recommended sealing equipment: Ultraseal Lite / PRO / XT PRO / ePRO, Wasp, Chameleon, Kube, ALPS3000/5000, A4S, PlateLoc.
Visual Description
White non-woven. Seal side has a shiny lacquer coating.
Physical Properties
Temperature Range: -20℃ to +80℃. Compatibility: Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS).
Mass Loss
Confirming the materials ability to resist high temperatures. Results: N/A.
Details: Mass loss of solution evaluated after 30 cycles of 3 step PCR Programme. Equipment: ABI Thermocycler, Precision Balance.
Measuring the force required to push a standardised needle through the material via compression measuring equipment. Results: Pass.
Details 5 tests run using a standardised needle, ensuring that less than 10N is required to pierce the surface & access the wells. Equipment Instron 3343 Tensometer.
Determining the materials optical clarity by measuring the transmission of emissive dye through the material. Results N/A.
Details Record the light transmission of a sealed microplate using a Flurophore dye stock solution and a microplate reader. Equipment BMG Labtech - FluroStar.
Measuring the materials permanence of adhesion & its ability to be removed, via extension measuring equipment. Results: Pass.
Details Cohesive Failure, Adhesive Transfer, Material tear & Successful Peel are measured & recorded after a 180℃ peel test. Equipment Instron 3343 Tensometer.
Water Vapour Transmission
Confirming the materials ability to breath. Results: Pass.
Details: Measure the weight loss of water during a set time at a set temperature and humidity Test Method: T30/001, Ref ASTM E-96-66, Target: 1800 g/m2/24h.
Evaluating the materials resistance to solvents (DMSO used as an aggressive standard). Results: Pass.
Details: Sealed plate is subjected to a high concentration of DMSO for a time period at low temperatures after which seal damage & volume loss are determined. Equipment Laboratory Cold storage unit, DMSO solution.
Plate Types, Sealing Temp. Time Settings
Polypropylene(PP), Polystyrene (PS).
Temperature and Dwell Time: 160℃, 2 seconds.
QC testing is carried out to ensure that products are free from nucleases (DNases & RNases) as well as human genomic DNA. Although every effort is made, including cleanroom manufacture, to maintain this level of cleanliness, best laboratory practice with regards to duplicate testing should be followed.