The Ultraseal PRO unit (formerly the Wasp), is an automated heat-applied micro plate and tube rack sealer. The unit uses a roll of surface modified aluminium or plastic film approximately 78mm wide and 610m long, the roll is positioned to the rear of the sealing section via a removable stand, using a total inline method the film is pulled through the main unit, cut to between 125mm and 130mm in length and then applied to the plate top surface to create the seal between plate and film.
- Automated heat-applied microplate and tube rack sealer
- Uses a roll of surface modified aluminium or plastic film
- Works with a wide range of plates, tube racks and custom applications
- Seals support polystyrene, polypropylene and CoC & CoP plate formats
- Both pneumatically and electrically operated
- Gas Purge option available
- Automatic eject when timed seal completed
- Combined temperature and seal time display
- Compressed air required
- 6 plates per minute